Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Books, Books, Books.

I have just got home to find a large parcel on the door step from Amazon. I now am the owner of 'The work -based learning student hand book' 'How to write essays and assignments' 'The study skills book' 'Reflective Learning' just to mention a few. I think I better start reading.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

So many notes

Well I have had an extremely productive week, I have read the handbook over and over. ( it has become a lot clearer now).

I have taken over the dinning room which is now my new place to study, I have taken so many notes, there are  pages and pages everywhere. This week I need to try and put my chaos into some order. At the moment I feel I have lots of new information but not really sure what to do with it or how to process it all. I am sure it will become more clear as I continue on ( I hope ).

I have started my journal, which I think is really helpful.

Has everyone got their student cards already?

Speak soon, have a great week.